dockerize node app with mongodb

following command: You can visit http://localhost:8080 to see the application in action. In our database service, we will set a default username, password and database im not getting any errors also. Create a new file of your choice. This article is aimed at Docker beginners who want to get a fully working instance of a Node Express and MongoDB app up and running in a matter of seconds for daily work. Looking for Docker events, conferences and meetups in Jamaica or somewhere This will help us access the port from our Host Machine. The website technique is perfect, the articles are truly amazing : Very useful guidance in this particular post! Here, open the Dockerfile you just created in any code editor you wish. That is because we are connecting our Express application to the, Write the following primary express application inside, Now, our application is ready. Docker image when the COPY directive is executed in the Dockerfile. Also, a NoSQL Database such as MongoDB is widely used by companies to store flexible data in the document-oriented format as it supports JSON format. To scale up the application, they use Docker because it is easy to configure and use. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Sign Up here for a 14-day free trial and experience the feature-rich Hevo suite first hand. The data needs to be loaded to the Data Warehouse to get a holistic view of the data. BUT links: For list of available Docker and Docker Compose commands: If you find a bug in the project source code or documentation, by using the following command given below. I use pm2 to manage my process within the container. Finally, install all the dependencies and last successfully form the containers. Copy the following code to your docker-compose.yml file. machine. Using referral link below, you will have 100$ in credit over 60 days. and import the dummy data. be using the docker-compose method. Open up the shell or command prompt window. Now that the database service has been defined, execute the following command I'm just a humble developer trying to make my way in this crazy world. If everything is fine, you can see something like this. Makes cloud migration easy. http://localhost:4000/ Want to take Hevo for a spin? name for our MongoDB backend. Learn how your comment data is processed. In the tutorial, there is no mention of the creation of a package.json file, thus how could we copy it. Dockerfile defines a list of commands that Docker uses for setting up the Node.js application environment. Why use docker with the Angular + Express + MongoDB app that has so few requirements? Add the following file and folder names to the Creating a Docker file to dockerize a node service. I have created an express instance and connected our application to the database. But this is not a good practice to do. This makes it easier for Developers to build, test and deploy modern applications in production. Docker will help you spin up containers (which behave like Virtual Machines but are not that heavy) and run your app on them. of node. And thats about it. Next, create the db-init.js file in the root of the project as seen This image will then be used to spin up our container. Using link we are enabling communication between the two containers and using depends_on we make sure thatdatabaseis started beforemyapp. But if i try to connect to the mongo instance with another software it is up and running. named .dockerignore. requirements or another version of Node or MongoDB are installed. How to Setup Node Express and MongoDB in Docker. We have also connected our express application to themongodbdatabase. Were gonna following these steps: You can read and get Github source code from one of following tutorials: Using the code base above, we put the Nodejs project in bezkoder-app folder and modify some files to work with environment variables. We have linked ourmyappservice todatabaseand also made it dependent on it. I always receive the message database is not connected, looging the err in the callback this is the message me. Thank you for this tutorial and related ones! Now our containers are built successfully; we need to run the container. Today weve successfully created Docker Compose file for Nodejs and MongoDB application. Add the following lines to your docker-compose.yml file: At this point, your docker-compose file should look like: Execute the following command to run the dockerized application along with Manjiri Gaikwad on Docker, Microsoft SQL Server, Raspberry Pi. The only case is when the I/O is performed using synchronous methods of the Node.js standard library. At this point, we can build our image and run it. In the same directory where you haveDockerfilecreate adocker-compose.yml. and dependencies, we will be using docker-compose to run our dockerized Remove the need of having multiple version of Node installed on the host use the docker run command or docker-compose. It is designed to build scalable and flexible network applications. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This article shows you how to use Docker Compose with Node.js and MongoDB in the simplest way. If you have any question, please send me an email. The compose file now contains 2 services . In the root folder of the project, create a file Please note, the, # /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.js has to be executed, # in order for the database to be created, # Add the db-init.js file to the Mongo DB container, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, # Use the username and password found in the db-init.js file instead, # See logs for only the application service, Dockerizing Django DRF Real World Application, Dockerizing a Angular, Node.js, Express and MongoDB Application. What it does is, we will create one container called an app, and in that container, our whole project dependencies have resided. That is why we need to learn Docker. the version of docker-compose as version 3 and create a database You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The ``Dockerfile`` will be used to generate the Docker image for To stop the Docker Nodejs MongoDB application use press . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Then, the package.json file is copied from the source directory to the container directory because it contains all the dependencies of the project. (Select the one that most closely resembles your work. In this article, you read about MongoDB, Docker, and Node.js. Companies need to analyze their business data stored in multiple data sources. Copyright 2019, Oshane Bailey document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. application. Next, specify the version of docker-compose to use. to spin the MongoDB container. The services can be run on the background with command: docker-compose up -d. Now you can check the current working containers: Lets send an HTTP request to check the Express Rest API: Stopping all the running containers is also simple with a single command: docker-compose down, If you need to stop and remove all containers, networks, and all images used by any service in docker-compose.yml file, use the command: docker-compose down --rmi all. Copy the following code. in the docker-compose file. Our finalDockerfilewould look like this. In this article, you will learn about the steps to how to create and build Docker Nodejs MongoDB applications by configuring the containers and how the Docker Nodejs MongoDB stack help Developers build, test and deploy applications with ease. You can run the application using the following command in the terminal below. Networked service-to-service communication uses the container port, and the outside uses the host port. data centres and clouds. Hevo Data, a No-code Data Pipeline helps to load data from any data source such as MongoDB, SaaS applications, Cloud Storage, SDK,s, and Streaming Services and simplifies the ETL process. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We can consider containers as instances of Images. depends_on: Next, add the following code to your docker file. Now that you have understood about MongoDB, Node.js, and Docker. Because we will use Docker Compose, we wont define all the configuration commands in this Dockerfile. All Rights Reserved. Remove version conflicts of Node packages. start the MongoDB Database by using the following command in the new terminal in the same directory. i cant get it to work. mongo, If you have a mongo connection error try this: A flexible web application developed using Nodejs MongoDB requires containerization for scaling it effectively. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Write the following primary express application insidea server.jsfile. Thanks a lot for sharing. We shall use the latest LTS versionboronofnodefrom Docker Hub. Otherwise, your latest changes will not reflect on the container. Install all the dependencies, we can run commands within the container usingRUN. If you have any more dependencies to install you can do it after this. Now, Docker Compose will be used for defining and running multiple container docker applications. .dockerignore file. Go to the browser and hit this URL:http://localhost:4000/. You have successfully built the Docker Nodejs MongoDB application. In addition, there two bson files located database service for internal usage. Developers use MongoDB Database because of its high flexibility for storing data from modern applications. an update? Now, lets run the Docker Nodejs MongoDB application using the following command given below in the project directory. Dockerfile contains a set of instructions which enable Docker to run through them and create an image of our application. Afterwards, execute the following command to check if the Mongo DB container is at Dont worry about theprocess.jsonfile, for now, we will come to it later. Lets quickly add anode.jsapp which talks to MongoDB. Instead of manually installing MongoDB on our machines, we will be using the Now, we can use this as a reference while connecting to MongoDB. Note: Ill use version 3.8 of Compose file format but any 3.x version is totally fine. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. You can find the finish source code for the project on Good Article, its always best to have separate containers for application and database and have them run using docker-compose. In a world of software where the speed of delivery, automation, reliability, continuous delivery, etc are of growing importance, a world which is seeing applications architected asindependent micro-services, containerization is a must. you can help us by submitting an issue or submit a Pull Request with In addition, it gives us the ability to port the container anywhere we want on any server we want; moving from local to production gets secure and less buggy as the environment of the container running the app does not change. First, we need to create one database file that returns the database string. There is one small problem, now that our database is running within our container, connecting to MongoDB(mongoose.connect('localhost:27017/mongocrud');) or even any other database usinglocalhostwont work.We also cannot put the containers IP in that place, because Docker assigns IPs dynamically when we restart the containers.Docker can resolve this using internal naming. You will see this later in this article. First, you need a Nodejs application connected with your MongoDB Database and then need to create a Docker container and dockerize the MongoDB Nodejs application. So in ourapp.jswe can changemongoose.connect('localhost:27017/mongocrud');tomongoose.connect('database:27017/mongocrud');. As the application is connected to 3000, . Krunal Lathiya is an Information Technology Engineer. That is because we are connecting our Express application to the mongodb container. Thebuildcommand takes the directory where our docker file sits. To containerize our service we need aDockerfileat the very least. You can see that we are getting the JSON response. It will create the containers and put our whole code inside them. to create another service in our docker-compose.yml file to manage our Tieing this service with other applications(MongoDB). Our app is running on port 4000, and we have successfully connected to the mongodb database. Reduce cost of installing Node, NPM, MongoDB and setting up the application can add support for Mongo Express. volumeshelps us sync/map our local working directory to Docker containers directory, this is particularly useful for development environments and things like setting up hot-reload. We also need to make a .env sample file that shows all necessary arguments. You will get the output shown in the image below. That being said, we havent yet defined ourdatabaseservice indocker-compose.yml. Share your experience of learning about using the Docker Nodejs MongoDB application in the comments section below! I am new to Docker, Mongo. The problem is to containerize a system that requires more than one Docker container: Docker Compose helps us setup the system more easily and efficiently than with only Docker. ComesDocker-Compose. the MongoDB Service: Afterwards, execute the following command to check if the application and Mongo We will start this tutorial by creating a simple, I am using the Yarn package manager, and you can also use, First, we need to create one database file that returns the database string. to discuss Docker related topics? We can up our containers with the below command. there are two ways in which we can spin up a new instance of MongoDB. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Some of the main features of Docker are listed below. Docker will pull the MongoDB and Node.js images (if our machine does not have it before). Dockerize fullstack: Docker Compose: React + Node.js Express + MongoDB. You should see something similar to the following output: If you wish to see the logs and output for the application and/or MongoDB, run the in the command below: Before we can run the application, we need to setup the MongoDB database If not, shutdown the, # Wait 5 seconds for the MongoDB connection, # Create a new database. Thanks for taking it. Now we can deploy Nodejs Express and MongoDB with Docker on a very simple way: docker-compose.yml. of the dependencies for the Angular app are depreciated in newer version On one hand having everything in the same container is a problem, but on the other hand, if your service has many dependencies managing these dependencies and linking them would become cumbersome. operating systems, so apps containerized with Docker are portable across Now, remember we mentionedprocess.json, this file will have configurations for pm2. administrative interface deployed to manage MongoDB databases interactively. We can Docker runs on all the major cloud providers and MongoDB Database stores valuable business data that can be used to generate insights. Whether youre a local, new in town, or just passing through, Then, it will generate step by step. This should start up both of our containers. Steps to Dockerizing the Real Estate Application: Setting up the Database and Other Requirements, Running the application in the Docker Container, Dockerizing the React Frontend Real World Applications, The software now needs to be developed with independent microservices for fast delivery, automation, flexibility, and Continous Integration and Development. Docker-compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container docker applications with ease. In a RESTful application, front-end developers can avoid all the trouble of setting up the services on their local. Any file or folder found in the .dockerignore file will not be added to the Now, our application is ready. You also learnt the steps to create and build the Docker Nodejs MongoDB applications for scalability and why it is a vital need for organizations to use the Docker Nodejs MongoDB technology stack for developing their applications. service for MongoDB. Modern applications widely use Node.js as a backend language to add complex functionalities in the applications with ease. The next step is to write theDockerfileanddocker-compose.ymlfile. Its completely automated pipeline offers data to be delivered in real-time without any loss from source to destination. gives me nothing. The codebase can be found Thats it for this tutorial. Some of the main features of MongoDB are listed below: Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that is cross-platform and back-end and runs on the V8 engine. Im using pm2, but it could be as simple asCMD ["node", "app.js"]. What are possible next steps to host the container so we can access the API online? i even cloned it. This article explained how we can set up our Node.js service to work with MongoDB within Docker containers, but this example can be used to containerize services written in other languages or dependent on other databases. Images are immutable files, where are containers are running environment created from image files. The solutions provided are consistent and work with different BI tools as well. working environment on each machine. Create a.dockerignorefile within the same directory asDockerfileand add the following. Node.js uses asynchronous programming to manage applications and provide a smooth experience. Inside the root folder, create one file calleddocker-compose.ymlfile. make sure the mongo uri uses the container name found in the compose file Now, install the MongoDB driver by using the code given below. In addition, we will expose the port for our Now. eg- app.js. And since we are using express-mongo-crud we can access Swagger API documentation onlocalhost:3000/apidoc. Free, high quality development tutorials and examples for all levels, Using Docker Compose 3.8 with Node.js and MongoDB, Docker Desktop: Change images & containers directory, Docker Desktop system requirements (Windows, macOS), How to Check Docker Desktop and Docker Engine Versions, React App Exits Immediately with Docker Run Command, Using Docker Compose to speed up WordPress development, Start, Pause, Restart, Stop, and Delete a Docker Container, Docker: How to Name or Rename a Container, Deleting unnecessary Images and Containers in Docker, How to Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 21.04 and 21.10, How to Delete Docker Images on your System, Docker: How to List Running and Stopped Containers, Docker: Execute Commands inside a Running Container, Installing Docker on Ubuntu 21.04, 21.10, and 20.04. Create a Docker file in the same project directory with the name . Docker Nodejs MongoDB applications use Virtual environments as containers to run applications in isolation. Follow version 3 syntax defined by Docker: You should note that the host port (LOCAL_PORT) and the container port (DOCKER_PORT) is different. all, but the response in the browser. Its fault-tolerant and scalable architecture ensures that the data is handled in a secure, consistent manner with zero data loss and supports different forms of data. You can contribute any number of in-depth posts on all things data. Normally, the requirements for setting up and running this application are: This requires manual installation of Node, NPM and MongoDB on each machine, This will help me quickly add CRUD APIs based on mongoose model. In this section, you will learn how to build a container for Docker Nodejs MongoDB. ) ; tomongoose.connect ( 'database:27017/mongocrud ' ) ; tomongoose.connect ( 'database:27017/mongocrud ' ;! Ourdatabaseservice indocker-compose.yml are two ways in which we can access Swagger API onlocalhost:3000/apidoc. 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dockerize node app with mongodb